"My Images"

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Cheese room Fireworks over the East River Spectators at the Israeli Parade Mets Fans!!!
Fishing is my life.... West Point Military Academy/Graduation And they're off......oops! British Concorde
Pot.....bust! "Lights" So! Wha-sup?!? Ah! There's always ONE in the crowd!
How low can they go??!! Romantic sunset for "two" in Aruba...Bon Bini "A Band of Brothers", celebrating the younger brothers graduation from West Point "Savara" by a nose at Belmont
That's my kind of "TERRITORY" Colin Powell's//show & tell......"a vile of ANTHRAX"?!? "Frat-boys" Belgian model:  Delfine Bafort,   "My screen-saver is me"
Pulaski Day Parade "High step-n" at the Pulaski Parade John Gotti's final resting place, with his son Frank A vision of "beauty" in the "Hamptons"


For all inquiries please contact Brigitte ............

All Images Are The Copyrighted Property of  BRIGITTE STELZER
No Reproduction Of Any Kind Is Granted Without Prior Written Consent
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