"My Images"

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Sikh's on Parade Mock drill at the U.N. Bldg.---
Scenario: "Explosion with injuries"
Aftermath of the WTC attack Israeli Parade
Ready for action, at Fort Jackson Luckily, no-one was seriously hurt! Unfortunately, a very serious and deadly accident!! Nov. 23, 2002.....Members of the "Polar Bear Club" take a brisk dip at Coney Island, N.Y.
Columbian Fest: A proud celebration A Mosque in Buffalo, N.Y. where suspected Al Qaeda members prayed Fun, Sun and Surf in the Hamptons "What are you, a wise guy??...Get back here!!"
NYC Marathon/2003 "The agony of defeat"/NYC Marathon Williamsburg Bridge (near), Manhattan Bridge and Brooklyn Bridge Say...What?!?
Wow! Hey guys, will you look at that fire........?!? A bird's eye view of Yankee Stadium, Bronx, N.Y. 9/11/2002...8:46 AM...A moment of silence on an almost empty U.S. Airways flight from Boston to New York, the same flight that crashed into the WTC on 9/11/2001 The ill-fated Staten Island Ferry, Andrew J. Barberi, heading for "dry dock" after crashing into a pier and killing 10 people

For all inquiries please contact Brigitte ............

All Images Are The Copyrighted Property of  BRIGITTE STELZER
No Reproduction Of Any Kind Is Granted Without Prior Written Consent
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